蚕豆细菌性茎疫病是蚕豆上的重要病害之一。病残体及病田土是该病的初侵染源。发病盛期为开花~结夹期 ,低温多雨的气候发病重 ,发病程度与温度、田间湿度及土壤肥力密切相关。室内药剂筛选试验表明 :可杀得、菌毒清、农用链霉素均有较好的抑制效果。选种抗病品种、加强农田管理、结合药剂防治 ,防效较好
Broad bean bacterial stem blight is one of the major diseases on broad bean. Sick and sick soil is the initial source of infection. The peak flowering period of flowering ~ knot folder, low temperature and heavy rainy weather incidence, incidence and temperature, field humidity and soil fertility are closely related. Indoor pharmacy screening test showed that: can kill, bacteria poisoning, agricultural streptomycin has a good inhibitory effect. Selection of disease-resistant varieties, strengthen farmland management, combined with pharmaceutical control, control effect is better