1932年Nonidez在用Cajal氏硝酸银还原法研究狗的甲状腺时,发现甲状腺内有另一种嗜银性上皮细胞存在,并称之为滤泡旁细胞(Parafollicular Cell)。1966年Pearse因其能分泌降钙素(Calcitonin),而称其为降钙素细胞,简称C细胞。C细胞在H·E染色切片中不易被辨认,用硝酸银还原法虽可显示,但因受多种因素影响,每不易成功。为此,我们用五条狗的甲状腺进行了多方的摸索,发现用硝酸银进行组织块镀银和石蜡切片镀银法均能取得较为满意的结果,前者适用于大量制作教学切片的需要,后者可适用于科研中不同染色间的
In 1932, Nonidez found that there was another argyrophilic epithelial cell in the thyroid gland when it was used to study the dog’s thyroid gland with Cajal’s silver nitrate reduction method, and called it Parafollicular Cell. In 1966 Pearse because it can secrete calcitonin (Calcitonin), which called calcitonin cells, referred to as C cells. C cells in the H · E staining section is not easy to identify, with silver nitrate reduction method may be displayed, but due to a variety of factors, each unsuccessful. To this end, we used a multi-dog exploration of the thyroid gland and found that the use of silver nitrate silver staining and paraffin section silver plating method can be more satisfactory results, the former is suitable for mass production of teaching the need of the latter, the latter Can be applied to different staining in scientific research