在法医学实际检案中,混合样本的DNA检验经常遇到,也有相关的研究报告[1-3],但由于检材中混合样本浓度比例较复杂等问题,使检验结果的分析常存在不确定性。本文制备不同混合比例的混合样本进行DNA分型检验,希望通过对结果的分析,探讨精确计算混合样本各组分含量的方法,希望能为实际应用提供数据参考。1材料与方法 1.1样本制备和分组本文混合样本由DNA检验标准品9947A(男性)和2800M(女性)按不同比例混合制备,样本均由
In the actual forensic medical examination, mixed samples of DNA testing often encountered, there are related research reports [1-3], but because of the mixed sample concentration in the sample is more complicated and other issues, the analysis of test results often exist uncertain Sex. In this paper, different types of mixed samples were prepared for DNA typing test. It is hoped that the accurate calculation of the content of each component in the mixed sample is hopeful to provide a reference for the practical application. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Sample Preparation and Grouping Mixed samples from this sample DNA testing standards 9947A (male) and 2800M (female) were mixed at different ratios prepared by