自阎景堂同志在《党史研究》1986年第2期上发表“南方三年游击战争应包括闽中游击区”的论文后,经过三年来的探讨,史学界已基本上确认此一史实。而邓子恢同志在闽中的革命活动,为1934年后闽中游击区的形成,奠定了基础。一 1930年2月,中共福建省二大决定“准备全省总暴动”,7月,省委再发动漳属、闽北、莆田、泉州四地的暴动,省委书记罗
Since the publication of the thesis entitled “Three years of guerrilla war in the south should include the guerrilla war zone in southern Fujian Province,” in the study of “History of the Party History,” 1986, Comrade Yan Jingtang has basically confirmed this historical fact after three years of discussion. The revolutionary activity of Comrade Deng Zaihui in Minzhong has laid the foundation for the formation of the guerrilla zone in Central Fujian after 1934. In February 1930, the CPC’s Fujian Provincial Second Congress decided to “prepare for a total riot in the province.” In July, the provincial party commissioned another riot in Zhangtian, North Fujian, Putian and Quanzhou, and provincial party secretary Luo