李德生,1916年生于湖北省 黄安县紫云区陈店乡(现划河南 省新县),1930年在红安七里坪参 加红军,1932年入党,参加了鄂 豫皖革命根据地1至4次反围剿 斗争,抗日战争时期任八路军太 行军区30团团长,参加了反“扫 荡”斗争和百团大战,解放战争 时期任二野6纵17旅旅长、12军 35师师长,1947年9月4日率部解 放了红安县城,参加了挺进大别 山、渡江等重大战役,1951年参 加了抗美援朝,任中国人民志愿 军12军师长、副军长,参加了第5
Li Desheng was born in 1913 in Chendian Township, Ziyun District, Huang’an County, Hubei Province (now a new county in Henan Province). In 1930, he joined the Red Army in Qili Ping of Hongan County, joined the party in 1932, participated in 1 to 4 times of anti-revolutionary bases in Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he served as head of 30 groups in the too-marched zone of the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War. He participated in the “Anti-mopping-up” Struggle and the Hundred Regiments of War and during the War of Liberation. On September 4, the ROC Liberated Hongan County, participated in the major campaigns such as advancing into the Dabie Mountains and crossing the Yangtze River. In 1951, it took part in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and served as the commander and deputy commander of the 12th Army and the deputy commander of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army.