叶赫那拉城,位于四平市梨树县东南部,是吉林省著名民俗风景旅游区。 叶赫,满语为“河边的太阳”,是满族的主要发祥地之一,也是明朝末期“海西女真”四大部落之一。这里是清朝开国皇帝皇太极的母亲孝慈高皇后的出生地,清末慈禧太后的祖籍地。多少年来,名人古地的神秘与传奇,满族
Yehnara City, located in southeastern Lishu County, Siping City, Jilin Province is a famous folk scenic tourist area. Yeh, Manchu as “the sun by the river,” is one of the major cradles of the Manchus and one of the four tribes of the Hermit who lived in the late Ming dynasty. Here is the birthplace of the mother of Emperor Huang Taiji, the founding father of the Qing Dynasty, the birthplace of Hau Tsz High, the ancestral home of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the late Qing Dynasty. Over the years, the mysterious and legendary celebrities, Manchu