This article describes the use of domestic high-power transistor produced a gigahertz microstrip oscillator, with high efficiency, good frequency stability, low FM noise, good performance, can also do varactor tunable oscillator. The oscillator by the brother unit many small quantities of imitation, good repeatability. This article describes the use of 3DA89C microwave power transistor produced by the microstrip oscillator. The oscillation frequency can be tuned over a wide range. With a collector voltage of 24V, it delivers greater than 2W output power, about 30% efficiency at 1GHz, and low FM noise. The oscillator has a good frequency stability, when the supply voltage or load changes, the oscillation frequency changes little. The temperature changes from room temperature to 55 ℃, the relative change in frequency less than 5 × 10 ~ days (-4). In addition to the above oscillator with good electrical properties, there are simple circuits, easy processing, low cost, it can be more widely used in the 1GHz band.