目的了解乐清市婚前医学检查状况,根据结果制定相应的干预措施,做好优生优育工作,预防减少新生儿缺陷。方法对2011年乐清市婚检资料进行回顾性分析。结果 2011年1月1日-2011年12月31日乐清市婚检应检20646人,实检17917人,普查率86.78%。检出疾病3078例,疾病检出率17.18%。检出疾病以内科系统疾病最高2369例,占76.96%;其次为生殖系统疾病432例,占14.04%;指定传染性疾病246例,占8.00%;严重遗传性疾病29例,占0.94%;精神病2例,占0.06%。女性8635人参加优生优育TORCH检测,RV-IgG+84.02%、RV-IgM+84.02%、CMV-IgG+72.92%、CMV-IgM+0.09%、ToXo-IgM+0.09%。结论通过婚前检查,可以及早发现有碍婚姻生活和优生优育的各类疾病,帮助待婚待育青年制定科学的婚育计划,提升社会和谐程度。
Objective To understand the status of premarital medical examination in Yueqing City and formulate appropriate interventions according to the results so as to make the work of prenatal and postnatal care good and prevent the reduction of neonatal defects. Methods The data of premarital examination in Yueqing in 2011 were retrospectively analyzed. Results January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011 Marriage in Yueqing City, 20,646 should be seized, the actual seizure of 17,917 people, the census rate of 86.78%. 3078 cases were detected, the disease detection rate was 17.18%. The highest incidence of medical diseases was detected in 2369 cases (76.96%), followed by 432 cases (14.04%) of reproductive diseases, 246 cases (8.00%) of designated infectious diseases, 29 cases of serious genetic diseases (0.94%), psychosis 2 cases, accounting for 0.06%. 8635 women participated in the prenatal and postnatal care TORCH test. RV-IgG + 84.02%, RV-IgM + 84.02%, CMV-IgG + 72.92%, CMV-IgM + 0.09% and ToXo-IgM + 0.09%. Conclusion Premarital examination can detect various diseases that hinder marriage life and prenatal and postnatal birth as soon as possible, and help the newly married nurses to formulate scientific maternity and childcare plans to enhance social harmony.