根据中国氮肥工业协会统计,2014年,氮肥市场极度低迷,企业大面积亏损,全行业主营业务收入2 616.7亿元,比上年下降6.2%,亏损56.6亿元;全行业共有规模以上企业331个,亏损企业156个,亏损面达47.1%。这是记者从3月27日在北京举行的2015年春季氮肥市场形势分析会上获得的信息。2014年,氮肥总产能基本保持稳定,产量比上年下降0.7%,其中尿素比上年下降1.7%,碳酸氢铵比上年下降12.3%;全国尿素平均出厂价1 558元(吨价,下同),比上年下降290元,最
According to the statistics of China Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry Association, in 2014, the nitrogen fertilizer market was extremely depressed and the enterprises suffered a large area loss. The main business income of the whole industry was 216.17 billion yuan, down 6.2% over the previous year with a loss of 5.66 billion yuan. The total number of enterprises above designated size 331 A loss-making enterprises 156, a loss of 47.1%. This is the reporter from the March 27 in Beijing held in spring 2015 nitrogen fertilizer market situation analysis of the information obtained. In 2014, the total output of nitrogenous fertilizer remained basically stable, with a decrease of 0.7% in output over the previous year, of which, urea dropped by 1.7% over the previous year and ammonium bicarbonate dropped by 12.3% over the previous year. The average ex-factory price of urea was 1 558 yuan The same), down 290 yuan over the previous year, most