
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:busanbusan
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●兵团党委书记、政委聂卫国在兵团党委五届十次全委(扩大)会议报告中指出:“落实团场基本经营制度,完善相关配套制度建设,使团场管理真正走向规范化轨道,这是建立职工减负和增收长效机制、解决团场问题的总开关。”●团场基本经营制度的提出具有重要的理论和现实意义。“土地承包经营、产权明晰到户、农资集中采供、产品订单收购”集中而鲜明地体现出团场管理体制的基本特点,是对兵团恢复20多年以来团场改革实践经验和理论成果的系统全面总结。●团场基本经营制度,勾勒出了团场改革的基本框架和清晰思路,为兵团在新时期新阶段探索建立与社会主义市场经济相适应、具有兵团特点的体制机制,明确了改革目标和方向。 ● Corps party secretary and political commissar Nie Weiguo pointed out in the report of the 10th Plenary Session of the 5th Plenary Session of the Corps Party Committee: “The implementation of the basic management system of the league base and the improvement of the related supporting system so that the management of the corps really takes place on a standardized track. The establishment of long-term mechanism to reduce the burden on workers and increase revenue, the total switch to solve the problem of the market. ”● The basic business management system proposed by the group has important theoretical and practical significance. “Land contracting management, clear property rights to households, centralized acquisition of agricultural capital, purchase of product orders ” concentrated and distinctly reflect the basic characteristics of the management system of the regiment is the Corps regain more than 20 years since the reform of the group field experience and theory A systematic summary of the results. ● The basic operation system of the corporation shows the basic framework and clear thinking of the reform of the corporation. It explores the institutional mechanisms that are compatible with the socialist market economy and has the characteristics of the corporation in the new phase of the new period and clarifies the objectives and direction of the reform .
数据纵览CPI:4月份,居民消费价格总水平(CPI)同比下降1.5%。1—4月份累计,CPI同比下降0.8%。PPI:4月份,工业品出厂价格 Data Overview CPI: In April, the consumer price i
从前有一个仗义的广交天下豪杰的武夫.他临终前对他的儿子说:“别看我自小在江湖闯荡,结交的人如过江之鲫,其实我这一生只交了一个半朋友.” In the past, there was an eup
王格的老婆齐晓芳说,王莉是一口母猪。  王格老婆说得不对,王莉不是一口猪,王格的老婆只说对了一半,王莉是母的,雌性。但王莉不是猪。是一个还算好看的女人,王莉是王格的亲姐,唯一的。他就一个姐,按理说是很亲的,可是他觉得,他给他姐亲,他姐不给他亲。  王格他爸死了,他妈也七十一了,王莉和老妈是世界上除了自己儿子以外他最亲的人。所以他老婆说王莉是一口母猪时,他很不高兴。因为王莉很瘦,干巴巴身上脸上都没啥
本文针对如何激发学员兴趣,增强课堂效果,提高体育训练水平,进行理论上的探讨和研究,旨在说明军事体育课的教学能够很好地提高学员身心素质,提高战斗力。 In this paper, ai