Numerical integration can show accurate trajectory of the disturbed system. however, no quantitative answer tostability can be given. Lyapunov functions provide sole sufficient but not necessary condition for autonomous systemsstability. so that they are not suitable for quantitatively studying motion stability. For non-conservative or nonautonomoussystems. it is very difficult to develop Lyapunov functions with meaningful stability domain, and the guarantee on sufficientcondition for stability might be lost by using Lyapunov-like functions. The Complementary-Cluster Energy-Barrier Criterion(CCEBC) developed in this paper is a rigorous theory and quantitative method for nonautonomous motion stability. Manyrelevant problems are studied in the paper. The Extended Equal-Area Criterion (EEAC) for power system transient stability.which has been used in engineering projects. is Just such an example.
Numerical integration can show accurate trajectory of the disturbed system. However, no quantitative answer tostability can be given. So that they are not suitable for quantitatively studying motion stability. For non-conservative or nonautonomoussystems. it is very difficult to develop Lyapunov functions with meaningful stability domain, and the guarantee on sufficient condition for stability might be lost by using Lyapunov-like functions. The Complementary-Cluster Energy-Barrier Criterion (CCEBC) developed in this paper is a rigorous theory and quantitative method for nonautonomous motion stability. Manyrelevant problems are studied in the paper. The Extended Equal-Area Criterion (EEAC) for power system transient stability. WHICH has been used in engineering projects. is Just such an example.