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针对西门子S7-200系列PLC的配方功能不能同时修改不同配方参数的现象,提出了新的具有同时操作不同配方中参数数据功能的扩展配方算法。通过研究原始配方功能的算法,对参数的数据存储区地址分配进行分析,使用指针间接寻址的方法对参数数据的读取、设置、调用等操作方法作出说明,并进一步探索该算法的扩展。以某汽车变速器自动化装配生产线中的输入轴压机为例,介绍了该算法的应用。现场运行结果表明,新算法优化了生产过程,提高了生产效率和产品质量,具有良好的实用性和可操作性。 In view of the fact that the recipe function of Siemens S7-200 series PLC can not modify the different recipe parameters at the same time, a new extended recipe algorithm with the function of parameter data in different recipes at the same time is proposed. By studying the algorithm of the original formula function, the data storage area address allocation of parameters is analyzed, and the operation methods of parameter data reading, setting, calling and so on are described by pointer indirect addressing, and the expansion of the algorithm is further explored. Taking an input shaft press in an auto assembly line of an automobile as an example, the application of the algorithm is introduced. The field operation results show that the new algorithm optimizes the production process, improves the production efficiency and product quality, and has good practicability and operability.
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Windows 2000支持多处理器系统、安全性文件系统(例如目录的读写限制),从Windows NT 3.51开始就已经支持C2级的安全测评,是一个真正的32位操作系统,其核心不包含16位代码(16
由深圳市中兴集成电路设计有 限责任公司推出的国内首款基于32 位CPU核的高端安全芯片SSX20, 是一个基于国产32位RISC处理器 的安全处理平台,具备高处理能 力、高安全性、低功耗、低成本等 特点。 该芯片可用于PKI体系的电子 钥匙LJSB KEY上,可以实现的功能