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人是最伟大的,又是最卑微的。人一时一刻也离不开群体生活,可人的一切怨恨又都是因人引起的。正是由于人与人的恩恩怨怨,才演绎出丰富多彩的故事、小说、戏剧、电影。如何分析人与人的恩恩怨怨关系?同一位著名社会学家一起议论,认为这种关系大体上可以分为三类。第一类是知恩必报。这类可能是少数。我最近几次出差到外地,受到友人非常热情的接待对方工作很忙,可是抽出时间陪我,无微不至地照顾,使我都有点过意不去了。本来我和对方并没有很多交往,人家这样待我没有任何功利目的,我只是个离休干部,手中既没有权又没有 Man is the greatest and the most humble. People moment by moment also can not be separated from group life, all human resentments are caused by people. It is because of the gratification of people and people, it deduced a rich and colorful stories, novels, drama, movies. How to analyze the relationship between people’s grievances and resentment? The same famous sociologist talked about that this relationship can be roughly divided into three categories. The first is to give thanks. This type may be a minority. I have been on a business trip to the field on a few recent occasions. I am very busy with receiving warm welcome from each other. However, taking time out to take care of me and making me feel a little disappointed. Originally, I did not have much contact with each other. People did not have any utilitarian purpose for me. I was just a retired cadre. I had neither the right nor the right