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一、创造性复述扩写训练 创造性复述扩写训练,就是要求学生认真揣摩体会原作的主旨,然后根据自己的生活体验,以原材料为想象的出发点,对原材料进行合乎情理的发挥。 如在上了鲁迅先生的小说《祝福》之后,就要求学生以《阿毛被狼吃掉了》为题写一篇300字左右复述性扩写,同时明确指出不可以照抄照搬原文,而要充分利用自己的生活经验,在不违背原文主旨的基础上进行大胆的富于创造性的想 I. Creative Repetition Expansion Training Creative retelling expansion training requires students to conscientiously try to understand the main purpose of the original work, and then according to their own life experience, using raw materials as the starting point of the imagination, the raw materials should be reasonable. For example, after Lu Xun’s novel “Blessings” was written, students were required to write a reprint of about 300 words with the title “A Mao was eaten by the wolf.” At the same time, it was clearly stated that it was not possible to copy the original text but to fully use it. Make use of your own life experience to boldly think creatively on the basis of not breaking the main purpose of the original text.
交流语言认知过程不同于个人语言认知过程. 典型表现于交流情境的影响. 交流语言互动性特征. 交流语言的功能性. 这些复杂特征和过程集中表现在交流语言的信息特征中. 本文重
利用“子午工程”布设在赤道异常区深圳站的监测仪获得的2011年1月至2012年12月间的电离层闪烁和总电子含量(TEC)观测数据,分析了华南地区夜间TEC 耗尽事件与电离层闪烁之间的关