全球制造业正以前所未有的速度发展,随着客户预期不断提高及市场竞争日趋激烈,注重于资本密集和规模经济的生产时代已经宣告终结。取而代之是运用自动化及革新的制造技术,如机器人、视觉/传感系统、软件技术、完善产品设计等实现以最少资源进行有效生产,以及生产出能保持业务可持续发展的独特产品。新时代“智”造已经来临,智能制造已成为各行各业关注的热点议题。CHINAPLAS 2015国际像塑展将于2015年5月20~23日在广州琶洲中国进出口商品交易会展馆
The global manufacturing industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. As the customer expectations continue to rise and the market becomes increasingly competitive, the era of production focused on capital-intensive and economies of scale has come to an end. Instead, it uses unique automated and innovative manufacturing technologies such as robotics, vision / sensing systems, software technology, product design, and more to achieve efficient production with minimal resources and to produce unique products that sustain business growth. A new era “Chi ” has come, intelligent manufacturing has become a hot topic of concern to all walks of life. CHINAPLAS 2015 International Image Fair will be held May 20-23, 2015 in Guangzhou Pazhou China Import and Export Fair Complex