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  ⒈We chose a safe place, a safe day and create a loop①. A loop preserves② the last 24 hours. Reset the loop and the day is yours to live in again.
  ⒉As I was saying some people are peculiar. It’s a recessive③ gene carried down through families.
  ⒊Follow me, I will show you, but you have to promise not to run away. The new world is coming.
  ⒋Peculiars have been persecuted through the ages.
  ⒌I’m just ordinary. No, but you’re not. I knew you were peculiar when you were born.
  ⒍Air, My peculiarity④, it does what I want. Because of our particular ability, we can just live here like this.
  ⒎Now, would you mind tying that rope around my waist⑤? Promise to hold on tight. Wait, the world will come to an end.
  ⒏We are peculiar in common parlance⑥.

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1. Evolution① forged the entirety of sentient② life on this planet using only one tool: the mistake.  2. Ah, my father used to say that only boring people get bored.  3. You can’t play God without bei