通过1995—1997年对苹果轮纹病菌分生孢子器开口散抱规律调查研究,表明孢子器开口 是其发育过程中的一个生理现象,一般在2月份开始出现开口,5—6月份达全年最高峰,以后慢慢减 少,7—10月份遇较长时间降雨,开口数目再次上升,但以后又逐渐下降,至10月底达最低点,11月 至翌年1月份很少有开口。通过6月份施药和3月份施药进行防治试验对比,结果发现6月份施药防治 效果显著高于休眠期的3月份防治。
Through 1995-1997 on the pathogen of the apple spore pathogen pycnidia scattered cysporium law study showed that the sporophyll opening is a physiological phenomenon in its development process, usually in February began to appear in the mouth, 5-6 months of the year After the peak, and then gradually reduce the 7-10 month longer rainfall, the number of openings increased again, but then gradually declined to reach the lowest point by the end of October, November to January the following year there are few openings. By comparing the pesticide application in June with the pesticide application in March, the results showed that the control effect of pesticide application in June was significantly higher than that in the dormant period in March.