笔者在解剖一成年男性标本时,发现起自胰十二指肠上动脉的副肝右动脉变异1例,现报道如下。该标本肝固有动脉正常,自肝总动脉发出,于肝门处分为肝左、肝右动脉分别营养肝左、右叶。胰十二指肠上动脉自胃十二指肠动脉起始处8.74 mm处发出,起始管径2.00 mm,向右走行16.00 mm后于胆总管前方发出副肝右动脉。副肝右动
Anatomy of an adult male specimen, I found from pancreaticoduodenal artery of the right hepatic artery 1 case of variant, are reported below. The specimen of normal hepatic artery, issued from the common hepatic artery, at the hilar liver is divided into left and right hepatic artery, left and right liver nutrition, respectively. Pancreaticoduodenal artery from the beginning of the gastroduodenal artery 8.74 mm Department issued, the initial diameter of 2.00 mm, 16.00 mm to the right after the right common bile duct in the right hepatic artery. Right hepatic artery