
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alx0890
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1 卫生防疫管理研究现状1.1 卫生防疫管理研究初具规模 建国以来,我国一直实行“预防为主”的卫生工作方针,立足现代医学科学研究深入和发展,为卫生防疫管理的形成和发展奠定了基础。自1953年到1996年,卫生防疫站机构由418个发展到5888个,人员由20504人发展到265630人,从上至下形成了网络管理系统。每个单位都有一定数量的管理人员;每一层次卫生防疫机构都受同级卫生行政部门的领导,同时又受上一层卫生防疫机构的业务领导和技术指导,这不仅体现了组织上的系统性,而且还反映了管理上的二重性。 1 Status of research on health and epidemic prevention management 1.1 Since the establishment of the scale of health and epidemic prevention management, China has been implementing a “prevention-oriented” approach to health care, and based on the in-depth development of modern medical science, it has laid the foundation for the formation and development of health and epidemic prevention management. . From 1953 to 1996, the number of sanitation and anti-epidemic stations increased from 418 to 5,888. The number of personnel from 20,504 to 265,630 formed a network management system from top to bottom. Each unit has a certain number of management personnel; each level of the health and anti-epidemic organization is under the leadership of the health administrative department at the same level, and is also under the leadership and technical guidance of the top-level health and epidemic prevention agencies, which not only reflects the organizational Systematic, but also reflects the duality of management.
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目的:观察木芙蓉叶有效部位(MFR-C)的抗炎与镇痛药效学结果。方法:以盐酸青藤碱组和空白组为对照,口服灌胃不同剂量 MFR-C,分别进行小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性实验、小鼠耳肿胀
穿心莲为爵床科植物Andrographis paniculata(Burm.f.)Nees.的地上部分,有清热解毒、消肿止痛、凉血等作用,民间用作苦补健胃和抗菌消炎药。穿心莲有效成分为二萜内酯类和黄
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