CRT显示器和 LCD面板之间的寸个重要区别是前者需要用模拟信号来产生图像,而后者要求的是数字信号。基于这一事实,为了获得最佳的显示质量, LCD面板的定位、定时以及相位控制都显得尤为关键。但如果面板不具备自动特性,需要手动调节这些因素,则显示质量便难以得到保障。
An important difference between the CRT display and the LCD panel is that the former requires an analogue signal to produce the image, while the latter requires a digital signal. Based on this fact, in order to obtain the best display quality, LCD panel positioning, timing and phase control are particularly critical. However, if the panel does not have automatic features, you need to manually adjust these factors, the display quality is difficult to be protected.