这位肯尼思·康德黎先生可不是一般的外宾。1896年10月孙中山到英国向华侨宣传革命。11日,孙中山前去探望他在香港西医书院学医时的老师詹姆斯·康德黎,不料半路被大清国驻英使馆人员绑架。幸而一名英国清洁工人伸出援手,把孙中山写的求救信送到了詹姆斯·康德黎手中。孙中山终于被营救出来。应尚才的老朋友肯尼思·康德黎,就是孙中山这位授业恩师和救命恩人的小儿子。所以,中国铁路部门对他的提议是非常重视的,但第二年就开始了十年动乱,此事一直未能落实。1979年7月,中国铁路代表团访问英国期间,英方旧事重提。这时,中国的大门正逐渐对外打开,因而中方给予了积极回应。1983年初,油漆一新、披红挂彩的KF1型7号机车被装上轮船,飘洋过海回到阔别近半个世纪的出生地。同年3月30日,双方在英格兰约克郡的英国国家铁路博物馆举行了隆重的交接仪式,馆方对这份中国赠送的厚礼格外珍重,把机车放到展厅的醒目位置。几年后,中国铁道博物馆在北京东郊落成,KF1型6号机车也被陈列其中。一对姐妹机车,就这样以亲身的经历,向参观者讲述着远在蒸汽机车时代中英两国铁路先辈所进行的技术交流和合作共赢的一段美好故事。 Both China Railway Museum based in Beijing and British Railway Museum based in York displays a KF1 class steam locomotive at a conspicuous spot. One in China presents its serial number KF1-6 and the other in UK shows its serial number KF1-7. They are twins. Behind the locomotives is a long story.
As Japan quickened its steps to launch an all-out invasion into China after September 18 Incident in 1931, the Chinese government geared up preparations for the war. One of the key undertakings was to build a 456-km railway that would connect Zhuzhou in Hunan Province to Shaoguan in Guangdong Province. The strategic railway artery, scheduled to be able to operate by 1936, would complete the railway project started 33 years before by Zhang Zhidong to connect Beijing in the north and Guangzhou in the south.
After the funding problem was solved, the railway authorities encountered a huge problem. The railway was to cross the watershed that divides the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. The challenges posed by the terrains were intimidating. What kind of locomotives would be used to operate smoothly through all the small bridges, relatively sharp turns, and steep slopes? After several brainstorming sessions, Ying Shangcai, a 37-year-old engineer who had studied and worked in the United States, proposed to design and build a special type of locomotives that could do the job. The proposal was approved.
Ying went ahead with the design. He worked day and night and completed the general design for a steam locomotive within half a year. What he came up with was a brilliant innovation since the inception of railway in China in 1876. The technological solution could function for both freight trains and passenger trains. Its technical parameters were advanced if compared to cutting-edge technologies of the world.
Back then, China had about 30 locomotive factories, but they were all engaged in repairing locomotives. None was able to make a complete steam locomotive. The Valcan Foundry in Britain won the international bidding to manufacture the new engines for China.
In 1934, Ying Shangcai arrived at the foundry to supervise the manufacturing. He gave talks to his British counterparts on the engineering consideration and technical requirements for the new-type locomotives and his admirably innovative ideas were warmly embraced.
The Valcan Foundry started delivering 24 steam locomotives to China in 1936. The locomotives were first trial-tested in different railways in China. And then they were used in the railway from Zhuzhou to Shaoguan. These locomotives worked pretty well. In November 1944, Japanese aggressors launched a military campaign to attack Guilin and Liuzhou in the southwest of China. The Chinese army withdrew. The locomotives, which had been evacuated from other regions earlier before Japanese soldiers moved in, were dynamited by Chinese engineers as the locomotives had nowhere to go.
In 1950, shortly after the founding of People’s Republic of China in October 1949, the national railway authorities thought it necessary to evaluate the damaged locomotives in the hope that some of them might be able to run. Experts examined them and concluded that though they looked rusty and ugly, there was a possibility to bring them back. The locomotives were sent to a factory in Qishuyan near Changzhou in eastern China. Twenty-one of them were successfully restored. These locomotives pulled fast passenger trains and freight trains between Shanghai and Nanjing until 1974 when all steam locomotives got replaced by diesel ones.
In 1966, Kenneth Cantlie visited China to attend the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr Sun Yat-sen. He had worked as an advisor in the 1930s for the railway department of the Chinese national government and helped Ying Shangcai a lot in his design of the KF1 class locomotive. In 1966, he and Sun, then the dean of the mechanical department of Beijing Railway College, met twice in Beijing. Cantlie was surprised to learn that the KF1 class locomotives were performing satisfactorily on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway. While visiting the Shanghai Railway Bureau, Cantlie nostalgically climbed into the cab of a KF1 class locomotive and admired the powerful machine. At the end of the visit, he said he wished to bring a KF1 class locomotive back to UK in honor of the cooperation between railway engineers of China and UK in the 1930s. He urged Ying to do something and make it happen.
Kenneth Cantlie was the son of James Cantlie, who taught Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese in the early 1890. In 1896, Dr. Sun was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese imperial secret service planned to kill him. He was released after 12 days through the efforts of James Cantlie and local media and British government.[When the proposal from Kenneth Cantlie was made known, the national railway authorities took it seriously. However, the Cultural Revolution started in 1966 and sending a KF1 class specimen to UK was shelved. It was not until July 1979 when a Chinese railway delegation was visiting Britain that the British railway authorities made the request again. China agreed. In early 1983, a locomotive with serial number KF1-7 was shipped from China. On March 30, a ceremony was held at Britain Railway Museum in York to mark the handover of the locomotive.
这位肯尼思·康德黎先生可不是一般的外宾。1896年10月孙中山到英国向华侨宣传革命。11日,孙中山前去探望他在香港西医书院学医时的老师詹姆斯·康德黎,不料半路被大清国驻英使馆人员绑架。幸而一名英国清洁工人伸出援手,把孙中山写的求救信送到了詹姆斯·康德黎手中。孙中山终于被营救出来。应尚才的老朋友肯尼思·康德黎,就是孙中山这位授业恩师和救命恩人的小儿子。所以,中国铁路部门对他的提议是非常重视的,但第二年就开始了十年动乱,此事一直未能落实。1979年7月,中国铁路代表团访问英国期间,英方旧事重提。这时,中国的大门正逐渐对外打开,因而中方给予了积极回应。1983年初,油漆一新、披红挂彩的KF1型7号机车被装上轮船,飘洋过海回到阔别近半个世纪的出生地。同年3月30日,双方在英格兰约克郡的英国国家铁路博物馆举行了隆重的交接仪式,馆方对这份中国赠送的厚礼格外珍重,把机车放到展厅的醒目位置。几年后,中国铁道博物馆在北京东郊落成,KF1型6号机车也被陈列其中。一对姐妹机车,就这样以亲身的经历,向参观者讲述着远在蒸汽机车时代中英两国铁路先辈所进行的技术交流和合作共赢的一段美好故事。 Both China Railway Museum based in Beijing and British Railway Museum based in York displays a KF1 class steam locomotive at a conspicuous spot. One in China presents its serial number KF1-6 and the other in UK shows its serial number KF1-7. They are twins. Behind the locomotives is a long story.
As Japan quickened its steps to launch an all-out invasion into China after September 18 Incident in 1931, the Chinese government geared up preparations for the war. One of the key undertakings was to build a 456-km railway that would connect Zhuzhou in Hunan Province to Shaoguan in Guangdong Province. The strategic railway artery, scheduled to be able to operate by 1936, would complete the railway project started 33 years before by Zhang Zhidong to connect Beijing in the north and Guangzhou in the south.
After the funding problem was solved, the railway authorities encountered a huge problem. The railway was to cross the watershed that divides the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. The challenges posed by the terrains were intimidating. What kind of locomotives would be used to operate smoothly through all the small bridges, relatively sharp turns, and steep slopes? After several brainstorming sessions, Ying Shangcai, a 37-year-old engineer who had studied and worked in the United States, proposed to design and build a special type of locomotives that could do the job. The proposal was approved.
Ying went ahead with the design. He worked day and night and completed the general design for a steam locomotive within half a year. What he came up with was a brilliant innovation since the inception of railway in China in 1876. The technological solution could function for both freight trains and passenger trains. Its technical parameters were advanced if compared to cutting-edge technologies of the world.
Back then, China had about 30 locomotive factories, but they were all engaged in repairing locomotives. None was able to make a complete steam locomotive. The Valcan Foundry in Britain won the international bidding to manufacture the new engines for China.
In 1934, Ying Shangcai arrived at the foundry to supervise the manufacturing. He gave talks to his British counterparts on the engineering consideration and technical requirements for the new-type locomotives and his admirably innovative ideas were warmly embraced.
The Valcan Foundry started delivering 24 steam locomotives to China in 1936. The locomotives were first trial-tested in different railways in China. And then they were used in the railway from Zhuzhou to Shaoguan. These locomotives worked pretty well. In November 1944, Japanese aggressors launched a military campaign to attack Guilin and Liuzhou in the southwest of China. The Chinese army withdrew. The locomotives, which had been evacuated from other regions earlier before Japanese soldiers moved in, were dynamited by Chinese engineers as the locomotives had nowhere to go.
In 1950, shortly after the founding of People’s Republic of China in October 1949, the national railway authorities thought it necessary to evaluate the damaged locomotives in the hope that some of them might be able to run. Experts examined them and concluded that though they looked rusty and ugly, there was a possibility to bring them back. The locomotives were sent to a factory in Qishuyan near Changzhou in eastern China. Twenty-one of them were successfully restored. These locomotives pulled fast passenger trains and freight trains between Shanghai and Nanjing until 1974 when all steam locomotives got replaced by diesel ones.
In 1966, Kenneth Cantlie visited China to attend the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr Sun Yat-sen. He had worked as an advisor in the 1930s for the railway department of the Chinese national government and helped Ying Shangcai a lot in his design of the KF1 class locomotive. In 1966, he and Sun, then the dean of the mechanical department of Beijing Railway College, met twice in Beijing. Cantlie was surprised to learn that the KF1 class locomotives were performing satisfactorily on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway. While visiting the Shanghai Railway Bureau, Cantlie nostalgically climbed into the cab of a KF1 class locomotive and admired the powerful machine. At the end of the visit, he said he wished to bring a KF1 class locomotive back to UK in honor of the cooperation between railway engineers of China and UK in the 1930s. He urged Ying to do something and make it happen.
Kenneth Cantlie was the son of James Cantlie, who taught Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese in the early 1890. In 1896, Dr. Sun was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese imperial secret service planned to kill him. He was released after 12 days through the efforts of James Cantlie and local media and British government.[When the proposal from Kenneth Cantlie was made known, the national railway authorities took it seriously. However, the Cultural Revolution started in 1966 and sending a KF1 class specimen to UK was shelved. It was not until July 1979 when a Chinese railway delegation was visiting Britain that the British railway authorities made the request again. China agreed. In early 1983, a locomotive with serial number KF1-7 was shipped from China. On March 30, a ceremony was held at Britain Railway Museum in York to mark the handover of the locomotive.