通过单螺杆熔融挤出制备了聚全氟乙丙烯(FEP)导管,研究了硫酸钡的粒径、硫酸钡的质量分数以及口模拉伸比对FEP挤出导管性能的影响。结果显示:硫酸钡粒径为5μm、添加量为10%时,硫酸钡分布均匀,表面形貌最优,FEP的拉伸强度最大,收缩率最稳定;而且,口模截面积与拉伸比成正比关系,口模截面积越小,FEP导管的外力拉伸取向越小,当口模截面积为100 mm2,口模拉伸比为8.96时,FEP的收缩率最小,表面形貌最优。
FEP conduits were prepared by single-screw melt extrusion. The effects of particle size of barium sulfate, mass fraction of barium sulphate and die stretch ratio on the performance of FEP extruded pipe were studied. The results show that the barium sulfate particle size is 5μm, the barium sulfate is evenly distributed and the surface morphology is the best when the particle size is 5μm. The tensile strength of FEP is the highest and the shrinkage rate is the most stable. Moreover, the cross- , The smaller the cross-sectional area of the die, the smaller the orientation of the external force of the FEP pipe. When the cross-sectional area of the die is 100 mm2 and the stretch ratio of the die is 8.96, the FEP has the smallest shrinkage and the best surface appearance.