1982年10月4日至12日,美国 NCH 太平洋有限公司驻日本分公司总经理(美国人)、技术负责人(日本人)和该公司驻中国联络处——新生交易公司负责人(日本人),来部同路内有关专业的代表进行技术座谈。座谈按专业分三个组先后进行。第一组座谈炉水防腐、防垢,水壶除垢,炉内泥砂及冷却塔、下水道泥砂清除剂技术问题;第二组座谈机械装备的防腐润滑保护剂的技术问题,第三组座谈电气设备机械的带电洗涤溶剂和电子仪器线路
From October 4th to 12th, 1982, the general manager (American) of NCH Pacific Co., Ltd. in Japan, the person in charge of technology (Japanese), and the head of the company’s liaison office in China, the new trading company (Japanese ), representatives of relevant professionals from the same department in the same department conducted technical discussions. The seminars were conducted in three groups, each professionally. The first group discussed the technical problems of furnace water anticorrosion, anti-scaling, kettle cleaning, silt in the furnace, and cooling tower and sewer sand silt removal agent; the second group discussed the technical problems of anti-corrosive lubricant protective agent for mechanical equipment. The third group discussed electrical equipment. Mechanically charged cleaning solvents and electronic instrument lines