
来源 :国际沙棘研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sticker2009
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沙害是北方风沙区线型生产建设项目遭受的主要危害。通过定位监测与调查监测等方法,对位于该地区的铁路项目的风力侵蚀强度与治沙措施防护效果进行监测,监测数据表明:施工扰动区风力侵蚀剧烈,水土流失严重;采取路基边坡碎石土包坡、路基两侧沙障防护可有效防治项目区风力侵蚀,减少项目区外围风沙流侵害路基,是阻沙固沙、减少沙害的有效措施。 Sand damage is the major hazard to the linear production and construction projects in the north wind and sand area. The wind erosion intensity of the railway projects in the area and the protective effect of sand control measures are monitored through the methods of location monitoring and survey monitoring. The monitoring data show that the wind disturbance in the construction disturbance area is severe and soil erosion is serious. The gravel of the subgrade slope Soil barrier, sand barrier protection on both sides of subgrade can effectively prevent and treat wind erosion in the project area and reduce wind and sand flow in the periphery of the project area, which is an effective measure to prevent sand from sediment and reduce sand hazard.
    中图分类号:G623.23 文献标识码:B文章编号:1008-925X(2012)11-0277-01  我们在教给学生知识的同时,还要对学生进行习惯养成教育、能力培养和情感培育。其基本任务是培养学生的阅读能力,最终目标是要教会学生自己读书。阅读教学的质量在很大程度上决定着整个语文教学的质量。尽管广大的小学语文教师在教学实践中做了不懈的努力,尤其是在新课改强劲的东风下,更是铆足了劲对阅