红蜘蛛是我国北方苹果产区为害性较大的种类,主要的种类有:山楂红蜘蛛Tetranychus viennensis Zacher、苹果红蜘蛛Panonychus ulmi Koch及苜蓿红蜘蛛Bryobia sp.。这三种红蜘蛛的发生和为害常因地区、果园或年份而不同。以往以山楂红蜘蛛发生最普遍;而至六十年代以后,苹果红蜘蛛的发生面积逐渐扩大,为害程度也日趋严重,并且国内对这种红蜘蛛的研究较少(旅大农业科技,1973)。看来目前对这种害虫的生物学还了解得很不够,在防治上还缺乏足够的依据。为此,我们曾于1964年在兴城地区对苹果红蜘蛛的生物学、天敌种类及其作用、以及苹果园的化学防治措施对苹果红蜘蛛及其天敌数量的影响作了初步研究。后一部分已发表于《园艺学报》第5卷第1期[1966(1):9—16]。现在将生物学部分报道于后。
Spider mites are the most harmful species in the northern part of China. The main species are Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, Panonychus ulmi Koch and Bryobia sp. The occurrence and damage of these three spiders are often different depending on the area, orchard or year. In the past, hawthorn spider mites occurred most commonly; and until the 1960s, the occurrence area of apple spider mites has gradually expanded, the degree of damage is becoming increasingly serious, and the domestic research on such spider mites (Luda Agricultural Science and Technology, 1973) . It seems that the current understanding of the biology of this pest is not enough, and there is not enough evidence to prevent and control it. For this reason, we conducted a preliminary study on the biology of spider mites, the types and effects of natural enemies and the chemical control measures of apple orchard on the apple spider mites and their natural enemies in Xingcheng area in 1964. The latter part has been published in “Journal of Horticulture” Volume 5, Number 1 [1966 (1): 9-16]. Now report the biology section later.