30年,与枯燥无味的弹药相伴,他乐此不疲! 30年,在同一个岗位,他无怨无悔! 30年,经常面临生与死的考验,他从未退缩!他就是天津警备区民兵装备仓库工程师孙全。随着年轮更替,额上的皱纹添了一道又一道,但他从未后悔当初的选择。从军械助理员到工程师,保证弹药安全装备完好始终是他不变的人生追求。他先后6次荣立三等功,被北京军区表彰为装备工作先进个人。“火药桶”安全了,他才睡得着觉2006年夏天的一个晚上,3个黑影鬼鬼祟祟地来到天津警备区民兵装备仓库,企图用镐从围墙下边掏洞进入仓库,盗窃
30 years, accompanied by the boring ammunition, he bored! 30 years, in the same post, he has no regrets! 30 years, often faced with the test of life and death, he never flinched! He is Tianjin Garrison militia equipment warehouse Engineer Sun Quan. With the change of annual rings, the amount of wrinkles added one after another, but he never regretted the original choice. Assistant ordinaries from the ordnance to engineers, to ensure the safety of ammunition equipment is always his constant pursuit of life. He successively won the third class of work 6 times and was honored as advanced individual in equipment work by the Beijing Military Region. One night in the summer of 2006, three black shadows came sneakingly to the militia equipment depot in the Tianjin Garrison District in an attempt to dig a hole from under the fence into the warehouse, theft