吉林大学第二医院心内科于1963年创建,1986年批准为硕士学位授权学科,1999年成立了吉林省心脏病介入治疗中心。本学科人才济济,共有教授5人,副教授4人,讲师9人。其中博士生导师1名,硕士生导师7人;博士5人,其余医师均是硕士。1 临床工作 科室共有病床65张,每日门诊量约100余人。为了更好地为患者服务,科室购进了具有国内一流的检查、治疗及监护设备:惠普CCU中央监护系统、Marquette运动平板、心脏监测仪、EP—Workmate多导生理记录仪、食道电生理仪、心脏除颤器、Medtronic心脏起搏器、呼吸机等。心导管室拥有国际一流的数字减影机(DSA)、射频消融仪、心脏刺激仪、24小时动态血压、Holter、倾斜试验机、起搏电
The Department of Cardiology of the Second Hospital of Jilin University was established in 1963. It was approved as a master’s degree in 1986. In 1999, the Heart Disease Intervention Center of Jilin Province was established. There are 5 talented professors, 4 associate professors and 9 lecturers. One doctoral tutor, 7 master tutors, 5 doctors, the remaining doctors are masters. 1 Clinical work There are 65 beds in the department and the daily outpatient service is about 100 people. In order to better serve patients, the department purchased the first-class inspection, treatment and monitoring equipment in China: HP CCU Central Monitoring System, Marquette Sports Tablet, Cardiac Monitor, EP-Workmate Multi-channel Biometric Recorder, and Esophageal Electrophysiology , defibrillators, Medtronic pacemakers, and ventilators. Cardiac Catheterization Room has world-class DSA, radiofrequency ablation apparatus, cardiac stimulator, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, Holter, tilt tester, and pacemaker