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当今世界是个最需要创新的世界,是个知识激增,人才竞争的社会。教育的目的是促进学生的自主发展。本文针对职业教育的特点及当前学生的就业情况,从师生关系、感性教学、充满活力的课堂教学等几个方面,来培养学生的创造精神和实践能力。使学生学会学习、学习创造,同时,我们的教育也要成为一种创造性的教育。 Today’s world is the most in need of innovation in the world, is a surge of knowledge, talent competition in society. The purpose of education is to promote the autonomous development of students. In this paper, according to the characteristics of vocational education and the current employment of students, from the aspects of teacher-student relationship, perceptual teaching, energetic classroom teaching and so on, to cultivate students’ creative spirit and practical ability. So that students learn to learn, learn to create, at the same time, our education should become a creative education.
“三北”是指东北、华北、西北三个地区。1977年农林部林业局工作组到西北各省区和山西省调查研究后,提出了营造三北防护林体系的规划意见。1978年5月在西安召开 “Three N
《读书》今年第一期第97页有一条补白“老娘沽”,辨钱钟书的无锡口语“老娘沽”,当作“老娘家”。  按:此文作者似乎没有注意到:这个“娘”字也是音符,而非义符。“老娘家”实为“老人家”。无锡方言,以“人”为“银”,“银,娘”双声,“人家”转为“娘沽”了。    按:《老娘沽》一文作者为上海黄浦区教师进修学院刘宏图先生。先生多年嗜读《读书》,几乎月月来信来文与编者商酌每期有关内容。月前消息传来,先生不