第八届中国广告节于10月17日在厦门市开幕,电视广告类总共有145件作品入围,最终从中选出了29件获奖作品,其中金奖4件,银奖8件,铜奖17件。应该说这109件入围作品还存在一些不尽人意的地方,但是基本能够反映出目前我国电视广告的概貌,因此很有必要借此机会对之进行全面分析,以期给我们的广告人和企业提供一些借鉴经验,同时发掘出一点不足和欠缺。下面就根据本次全广展对入围作品的分类,对各大产品类别的广告概况作一简要综述。 1.企业形象类(两则获银奖)。这
The Eighth China Advertising Festival opened on October 17 in Xiamen City. A total of 145 works were selected for the TV commercials. 29 winning entries were finally selected, including 4 gold medals, 8 silver prizes and 17 bronze medals . It should be said that there are still some unsatisfactory places for the 109 entries. However, it basically reflects the general situation of television advertisements in our country. Therefore, it is necessary to take this opportunity to conduct a comprehensive analysis in the hope of providing them to our advertisers and enterprises Some learn from experience, at the same time to find out a little lack of and lacking. The following is based on this wide-screen exhibition of the finalists of the classification of major product categories of advertising profiles for a brief overview. 1. Corporate image (two won the Silver Award). This