FOR work reasons I have visited Daqing quite often in recent years. Its Lindian County is famous for hot springs, fertilegrasslands and beautiful wetlands andhas gained popularity with health preser-vation enthusiasts; all things that piquedmy interest long ago. But only recentlywas I lucky enough to take in the won-ders of Lindian.
The hot springs in Lindian have beendescribed as "miraculous" by locals. In1975 oil and gas prospectors from Daqingcame to do exploration work just sevenkilometers northeast of Lindian's countyseat. They drilled down over 1,900 me-ters and a stream of hot water spurtedout, with a temperature around 5o~C.Upon hearing the news, villagers nearbyshowed up to shower and wash theirclothes. Gradually it was discovered thatdiseases such as beriberi, arthritis anddermatosis were all cured by bathing inthe hot spring. It became famous over-night and attracted numerous residentsliving in neighboring areas.
Lindian's rich geothermal resourcesare characterized by large deposits ofgood quality water at medium to lowtemperatures, and a wide distributionclose to the surface with replenishmentsufficient for sustained use. The countystores 181 billion cubic meters of hotwater, which contains over 20 mieroele-ments that are good for people's wellbe-ing, such as selenium, silicon and iodine.Over the past ten years, 59 hot waterwells have been drilled and developedto supply heat and for spa use. In 2004Lindian was named China's Town of HotSprings by the China Mining Association.The great tourism and health potentialof Lindian's hot springs is being realized,but the miraculous mineral-rich wateris also used to irrigate farmland growingfruits and vegetables.
The tourism industry in particularrelies on Lindian's rich geothermal re-sources. The county possesses 750,000mu (15mu =1hectare) of wetlands,1.5 million mu of grasslands and manyhistorical sites dating back to the Neo-lithic Age. Tourists enjoy a wonderfuldiversity of experiences here, includ-ing bathing in a steaming outdoor poolwith snow-capped mountains loomingon the horizon, appreciating the gor-geous flowering grasslands, listening tocranes singing on the wetlands, gettingto know the mysterious Shamanisticculture and enjoying the fresh air. Withyears of development, some touristresorts incorporate the hot spring andlandscape experience with great din-ing that has proved to be very popular,particularly at the Northern Hot Springand Crane Singing Wetland Resorts. In2010 alone, Lindian received 462,000foreign and domestic visitors andachieved a tourism revenue of RMB 113million. Its three "trump cards"-hotspring, wetlands and grasslands-onlypromise to grow in popularity as a tour-ist destination.
The hot springs in Lindian have beendescribed as "miraculous" by locals. In1975 oil and gas prospectors from Daqingcame to do exploration work just sevenkilometers northeast of Lindian's countyseat. They drilled down over 1,900 me-ters and a stream of hot water spurtedout, with a temperature around 5o~C.Upon hearing the news, villagers nearbyshowed up to shower and wash theirclothes. Gradually it was discovered thatdiseases such as beriberi, arthritis anddermatosis were all cured by bathing inthe hot spring. It became famous over-night and attracted numerous residentsliving in neighboring areas.
Lindian's rich geothermal resourcesare characterized by large deposits ofgood quality water at medium to lowtemperatures, and a wide distributionclose to the surface with replenishmentsufficient for sustained use. The countystores 181 billion cubic meters of hotwater, which contains over 20 mieroele-ments that are good for people's wellbe-ing, such as selenium, silicon and iodine.Over the past ten years, 59 hot waterwells have been drilled and developedto supply heat and for spa use. In 2004Lindian was named China's Town of HotSprings by the China Mining Association.The great tourism and health potentialof Lindian's hot springs is being realized,but the miraculous mineral-rich wateris also used to irrigate farmland growingfruits and vegetables.
The tourism industry in particularrelies on Lindian's rich geothermal re-sources. The county possesses 750,000mu (15mu =1hectare) of wetlands,1.5 million mu of grasslands and manyhistorical sites dating back to the Neo-lithic Age. Tourists enjoy a wonderfuldiversity of experiences here, includ-ing bathing in a steaming outdoor poolwith snow-capped mountains loomingon the horizon, appreciating the gor-geous flowering grasslands, listening tocranes singing on the wetlands, gettingto know the mysterious Shamanisticculture and enjoying the fresh air. Withyears of development, some touristresorts incorporate the hot spring andlandscape experience with great din-ing that has proved to be very popular,particularly at the Northern Hot Springand Crane Singing Wetland Resorts. In2010 alone, Lindian received 462,000foreign and domestic visitors andachieved a tourism revenue of RMB 113million. Its three "trump cards"-hotspring, wetlands and grasslands-onlypromise to grow in popularity as a tour-ist destination.