本文报导一项关于语序标记语对话语生成与理解作用的实证研究。语序标记语或连接语的基本话语作用在于使话语命题的连续性和非连续性得以突现。语序标记语在话语建构中可能表现为改良话语理解的标志 ,也可能表现为话题转换时发生话语生成困难的语迹。从实验中获得的数据基本证实了语序标记语这一双重作用 ,并支持本文提出的假设 :语序标记语在话语中的比例随着结构层级的提升而增大 ,提高话语生成难度将增加其频率 ;话语生成难度的提高可增大and充当“语迹”的比例 ,但不影响它强化命题连续性的功能
This article reports on an empirical study of the role of word order markers in generating and understanding discourse. The basic discourse markers or connectives of the basic discourse lies in the discourse proposition continuity and discontinuity to emerge. Word order markup may be manifested in the construction of discourse as a symbol of improving discourse comprehension, and may also be manifested as a discourse discourse in which discourse generation is difficult when conversing. The data obtained from experiments basically confirm the double role of the word order markup and support the hypothesis put forward in this paper that the proportion of word order words in the discourse increases with the increase of the structure level and the difficulty in improving discourse generation will increase its frequency ; The increase of the difficulty of discourse generation can increase and serve as the ratio of “language track”, but it does not affect its function of enhancing proposition continuity