一、建立健全企业思想政治工作制度 1.调查研究制度。及时准确地了解掌握职工的思想情绪,是做好企业思想政治工作的基础和前提。在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下,人们的接触面日益扩大,信息量急剧增加,各种思潮相互碰撞。企业思想政治工作把握住职工的思想脉搏和发展趋势,就必须制定调查研究制度,经常不断地、有计划地深入基层调查研究。只有这样,才能恰如其分地对群众
First, establish and improve the enterprise ideological and political work system 1. Investigation system. Timely and accurate understanding of the mastery of employees’ emotions is the basis and premise for doing a good job in ideological and political work in enterprises. Under the conditions of reform and opening up and the development of a socialist market economy, people’s contact has been steadily expanding with a sharp increase in the amount of information and various thoughts of thought collide with each other. Ideological and political work of enterprises to grasp the pulse of thinking and development trends, it is necessary to develop a system of investigations and studies, constantly, in a planned and thorough grass-roots investigation and study. Only in this way can we appropriately to the masses