马戏团是很多人童年的记忆,如果有一天它出现在了街角,你会不会莞尔一笑轻松走入。这家位于雅典的以希腊烤肉为主的快餐厅,70 m2的面积,由本土设计师Minas Kosmidis操刀。他用空间直白地表达出人们对马戏团的好奇与喜爱,摘选出若干关键元素,如动物马戏、飞刀表演,将其通过艺术的手法进行重新演绎,使其变成可以搬入室内的装饰展示。无论是整体格调还是细节之间的搭配,都让人们相信这个餐厅一定是最好的马戏团主题餐厅。
Circus is the memory of many childhood, if one day it appears in the corner, you will not be able to easily smiled into. This fast-food, Greek-inspired restaurant in Athens, 70 m2 in size, is run by local designer Minas Kosmidis. He used space to express the curiosity and love of the circus. He picked out some key elements such as animal circus and flying sword show, reinterpreted it through art, and turned it into a decoration that can be moved into the interior Show Whether it is the overall style or the details of the mix, make people believe that this restaurant must be the best circus theme restaurant.