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针对2种碳纤维织物/环氧预浸料,采用热压罐工艺在不同条件下制备了变厚度层板,并通过层板内部形貌、层板厚度、纤维含量、吸胶量、织物渗透率的测试分析,研究了变厚度层板的密实过程和纤维分布的影响因素。结果表明:密实过程中树脂的二维流动导致2种织物变厚度层板厚板区的纤维含量高于薄板区;G0827单向织物的面内渗透率与厚度方向渗透率比值大于G0803缎纹织物,造成G0827织物变厚度层板的纤维分布不均匀性更大;无吸胶材料的条件下层板内纤维分布均匀,说明吸胶材料内树脂的面内流动对层板的纤维分布有很大影响。 Aiming at the two kinds of carbon fiber fabric / epoxy prepregs, the hot-pressed cans were used to prepare variable thickness laminates under different conditions. Through the internal morphology of the laminates, the thickness of the laminates, the fiber content, the amount of adhesive, the fabric permeability Test analysis of the thick layer thickness of the dense process and the impact of fiber distribution factors. The results show that the two-dimensional flow of resin in the compacting process results in the thickening of the two kinds of fabric layer thicker fiber board area than the sheet area; G0827 unidirectional fabric in-plane permeability and thickness direction permeability ratio greater than the G0803 satin fabric , Resulting in G0827 fabric thicker laminates fiber distribution of non-uniformity greater; no glue material under the conditions of fiber distribution within the laminates, indicating that the resin in the gel material in-plane flow of the fiber distribution of the board has a great impact .
在30年乃至百年的中国进步史上,企业家阶层到底扮演了一个怎样的角色?从曾国藩、李鸿章、盛宣怀、郑观应,到张謇、荣家兄弟、孔宋家族,作者吴晓波在寻找着中国商业进步的血脉基因。本书既有文献价值,又有生动故事。本文摘自该书。  《跌荡一百年》  吴晓波 著  中信出版社 2008.12  定价45.00元    罢工浪潮    1919年5月4日,北京爆发了一场惊天的学生抗议活动,史称“五·四运动”。 
“海豚”“山猫”“黑鹰”“阿帕奇”“黑鲨”……你扳着指头数过来数过去,这是在说你喜欢的动物吗?怎么会有“阿帕奇”这么奇怪的名字?咳,原来是武装直升飞机啊!    ★飞机的机翼★  地面忽地刮起一阵巨风,大有横扫一切之势,树叶被卷上了天,小草们都直不起身来,“突突突—”超大的螺旋桨飞速旋转着,直升飞机就这么唱着进行曲直上云霄啦!直升飞机的优点可多着呢!你要是让它在空中玩点小把戏,它毫不含糊,立刻就飞