7月底,讴歌事业部高级副总裁兼总经理迈克尔·阿卡维蒂(Mike Accavitti)突然宣布离职,其职位将由本田美国设计主管Jon Ikeda接任接任。现年56岁的阿卡维蒂2011年出任本田美国首席营销官,2014年4月晋升为讴歌事业部高级副总裁兼总经理。此前,他曾在1984年~2009年效力于克莱斯勒,负责克莱斯勒集团的市场工作。2009年被当时的克莱斯勒CEO马尔乔内(Sergio Marchionne)“钦点”为道奇品牌CEO,但任职仅四个月便宣布离职,后进入思科公司担任执行汽车顾问,直至加入本田汽车。
By the end of July, Mike Accavitti, Acura’s senior vice president and general manager, suddenly announced his resignation, taking over from Honda’s U.S. chief of design, Jon Ikeda. Ackaviti, 56, became chief marketing officer for Honda USA in 2011 and was promoted to senior vice president and general manager of Acura in April 2014. Previously, he worked for Chrysler from 1984 to 2009 and was responsible for the Chrysler Group’s marketing efforts. Served as Dodge’s CEO in 2009 by Chrysler CEO Chópez, but left the company after only four months in office before moving into Cisco as an executive car consultant until Honda.