在美国洛杉矶工作期间,我走访了位于圣他莫尼卡(Santa Monica) 山区,405号高速公路旁的盖蒂中心博物馆(The Getty Center)。该馆是加州甚至是全世界收藏最丰富的博物馆之一,于 1997 年底落成开幕,总耗资达10亿美元。驱车从洛杉矶市区出发向西行,到加州405号州际高速公路后,就可以看到圣莫尼卡山崖上矗立的白色建筑群,这就是闻名遐尔的盖蒂中心。它包括一座非常现代化的美术博物馆、一个艺术研究中心和一座漂亮的花园。如今盖蒂中心已
While working in Los Angeles, USA, I visited the Getty Center near Highway 405 in the mountains of Santa Monica. The museum is one of the most richly populated museums in California and even in the world. It was opened in late 1997 and spent a total of one billion U.S. dollars. Drove west from downtown Los Angeles to California Interstate 405 Interstate Highway, you can see Santa Monica cliff stands white buildings, which is well-known Getty Center. It includes a very modern art museum, an art research center and a pretty garden. Now Getty Center already