我是国民党西北军政副长官马鸿逵的侄孙。由于姻亲关系,在全国解放前夕,1949年9月马鸿逵逃往重庆时,把我也带去,后又随他从重庆去了台湾。本文所述,都是我亲身经历或亲眼所见。马步芳离开台湾的经过,则是听马鸿逵说的。 记得是1949年8月初,马鸿逵的部队自陇东败回宁夏,人民解放军解放了固原,先头部队挺进至同心城。8月下旬,兰州解放,解放军分向宁夏和甘肃河西进军。这时,马鸿逵接到蒋介石自重庆发来的密电,
I am the great nephew of Ma Hongtao, deputy commander of the KMT Northwest military and political affairs. On the eve of the liberation of the country, Ma Hongtao fled to Chongqing in September 1949, taking me with him because of his marriage affair. Later, he went to Taiwan from Chongqing. All I have described in this article is what I have personally experienced or seen with my own eyes. Ma Bufang left Taiwan after listening to Ma Hongtao. Remember that in early August 1949, Ma Hongtao’s army defeated Ningxia from Longdong and the People’s Liberation Army liberated Guyuan. The first troops advanced to Tongxincheng. In late August, liberation of Lanzhou, the People’s Liberation Army divided into Ningxia and Hexi, Gansu march. At this time, Ma Hongwei received a telegram from Chiang Kai-shek from Chongqing.