
来源 :港口经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whfbbs
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前言在某种情况下,多式联运与公路直达运输相比不具有竞争力,多式联运经常性价比不高、耗时长并具有不可靠性。在多式联运链中必要的处理和前后公路运输环节各自都影响链条的效率。本文提出“货物转运、仓储、集疏运整合中心”的概念整合了政策工具。整合中心的特征是空间和功能的整合,功能包括集装箱处理作业、 Preface Under certain circumstances, multimodal transport is not competitive with direct on-highway transport, and the multimodal transport is often not cost effective, time-consuming and unreliable. The necessary handling and the front-to-back road transport links in the multimodal transport chain each affect the efficiency of the chain. This paper proposes that the concept of “transhipment, warehousing, consolidation center” integrates policy tools. The integration center is characterized by the integration of space and function, including container handling operations,
桃红色是桃子多汁的甜液,在微风中起舞一片香气盈盈。  隔壁有人挂出了一身桃红衣裙,高高的脖领,宽宽的袖口,夜半中天还没有收起来,远远看去,竟然起舞弄清影,在月色朦胧中隐约可见。  隔壁的那个人我是常见的,她不是很爱说话,所以彼此也没太搭理。 那个女子比我大了几岁,整日里穿着下恤牛仔,短短的头发,像个男生。她也会穿桃红?那种疑问就像大石投进了深潭,一波一波荡开的都是无可名状的感觉。  会是哪种