穴位针灸对心率、心功能和心脏本身的营养过程的调整作用 ,在人体试验与动物实验中 ,已经做了广泛的研究和观察 ,尤其是循经感传激发以促使”气至病所”提高针刺疗效 ,已广泛地被应用于临床治疗。我国传统的穴位针灸方法是否对运动员训练和比赛时生理应激过程起到积极的调整、改善和加速其恢复过程的作用 ,是非常值得研究与探讨的
Acupuncture on acupuncture on heart rate, heart function and the heart’s own nutritional adjustment process, in human and animal experiments, has done a wide range of research and observation, especially through the sensory stimulation to promote the “Qi to the disease” to improve Acupuncture efficacy has been widely used in clinical treatment. Whether the acupuncture method of traditional acupoints in our country plays a positive role in the process of athlete training and physiology stress during the competition and whether the acupuncture and moxibustion can improve and accelerate the recovery process is very worthy of study and discussion