在《中国摄影家》上,陆小华写过一篇文章,题目是“我们离那谷仓还有多远”,文章颇富哲理的思辨,具体内容记不清了,但这题目却清晰地驻留在记忆里。当我看完马克·吕布的《中国摄影四十年》摄影展览,提笔准备写东西的时候,这个题目不自觉地就来到笔下。在对马克·吕布的一片赞扬声中,中国的摄影师离他有多远? 马克·吕布以他70多岁的高龄,四十年间多次来中国的经历和在中国美术馆正厅展出的百余幅照片,使我们看到了一个法国知名摄影师的成果。开幕式上盛况空前,热烈场面已经有多家报刊报道,我就不再赞言。一个
On “Chinese Photographers,” Lu Xiaohua wrote an essay titled “How far we are from that barn” and the articles are rather philosophical speculations that we can not remember clearly, but the subject clearly resides In memory When I read Mark Libby’s “China Photography forty years” photographic exhibition, to write a pen ready to write something, the subject unconsciously came to writing. In a tribute to Mark Riboud, how far away is a Chinese photographer? Mark Riboud, with his 70s, his many experiences with China over the past 40 years, and his exhibition in the main hall of the National Art Museum of China Hundreds of photos, so that we see the result of a well-known French photographer. Unprecedented at the opening ceremony, there have been many heated press coverage, I will not praise. One