梅烈日柯夫斯基在十九世纪末、二十世纪初的俄国思想界提出象征主义的思想 ,并在其宗教小说中对它进行深入阐发 ,其主旨是要从托尔斯泰和陀斯妥耶夫斯基敞开的现代性深渊出发 ,寻求上帝的文化和精神的更新 ,以与民粹主义思潮的实证主义思潮相抗衡 ,从而体现超越社会小说和市民小说的精神维度
In the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, Meredith Kovsky proposed the symbolism in his Russian ideology, and elucidated it deeply in his religious novels. The main thrust of his thinking is to learn from Tolstoy and Tostoyev Vyski’s departure from the abyss of modernity seeks to renew the culture and spirit of God in order to counter the positivist trend of populist ideology and thereby reflect the spiritual dimension that goes beyond social novels and citizen novels