优化生产力布局需要采取综合措施,主要有:完善财政转移支付制度,平衡各地政府提供公共服务的能力;缩小产业政策范围,利用现代信息技术构建产业动态预警平台;健全资源要素的价格形成机制和资源收益的分配制度,确保资源收益分享的公平性;建立从严从紧的政府规制监管体系,尽快改变区域之间“低水平低层次”竞争格局;健全财政金融纪律约束机制,遏制地方政府过度举债,防范金融风险;创新政府绩效考核机制,引导地方政府创新发展模式;加快构建全国统一的社会保障体系步伐,优先构建普惠、均等、一体化的基本公共服务体系;规范产业园区建设,积极发挥国有企业在生产力布局中的作用;严格环境标准,构建有效的环境监管体系。","The optimization of Productivity Layout needs taking comprehensive measures which are lis-ted as followings:to improve and perfect the financial transfer payment system to balance the ability of govements in providing public service,to narrow the scope of industrial policy and to construct the early waing platform of industry dynamic by using mode information technology,to perfect the dis-tribution system of resource benefits and the price formation mechanism of resources to ensure the fair-ness of resource revenue sharing,to establish strictly and tightly supervision system of govement reg-ulation to change the“low level”competition patte between regions as soon as possible,to sound fi-nance discipline and restraint mechanism to curb the excessive debt of local govement and to prevent financial risk ,to crate govement performance evaluation mechanism to guide the local govementinnovative its development model ,to accelerate the establishment of a unified national social security system and put the basic public service system construction of generality,equal priority,integration at the first step,to specify the construction of industrial zones,and to active the role of state-owned en-terprises in the distribution of productive forces,to strict environmental standards and to construct ef-fective environment supervision system.