风云际会 阳春三月,刚从节日的松驰中调整过来的蓉城几大报业巨头,还没来得及细心体味室外这桃红柳绿、风和日丽的明媚春光,该市一张名叫《城市购物导报》的新媒体的招聘活动,立刻让这些巨头们绷紧了神经。 倒不是这份由《新经济时报》更名过来的新报纸有什么非凡之处,实在是招聘时的火爆程度,让对手们不可等闲视之。据该报负责招聘的陈玉丰先生透露,原来包括主编、主任、责编、编辑、记者在内的70个职位,却吸引了近700人角逐。其中,不乏《成都商报》、《华西都市报》和
Wind and cloud will spring in March, just adjusted from the holiday slack Rongcheng several newspaper giants, have not had time to carefully appreciate the outdoor pink and green, sunny and bright spring, the city called a “city Shopping Guide, ”the recruitment of new media, immediately let these giants taut nerves. Not that the new newspaper, renamed by the New Economic Times, is so special. It is really the intensity of recruitment so that the opponents can not afford to ignore it. According to Chen Yufeng, who is responsible for hiring the newspaper, 70 posts, including chief editor, director, editor, editor and reporter, attracted nearly 700 competitions. Among them, there are many “Chengdu Business Daily”, “Huaxi Dushi Bao” and