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针对古城油田泌123和泌124区块核三段Ⅳ砂组聚合物窜流严重,注采结构调整难度大的特点,基于岩心、测井、粒度等资料识别沉积相标志,对其沉积微相进行精细研究。研究区核三段Ⅳ砂组为三角洲前缘亚相沉积,主要发育水下分流河道、水下分流间湾、前缘席状砂、河口坝、远砂坝、河道侧翼和浅湖7种沉积微相。在湖平面上升时期物源供给充足,水下分流河道砂体在研究区分布范围明显减小,三角洲前缘中心部位发育叠置的主河道砂体组合、水下分流河道—河道侧翼砂体组合,向湖方向逐渐变为叠置的河口坝—远砂坝砂体组合;在三角洲前缘末端,沉积微相垂向上主要表现为水下分流河道—河口坝—前缘席状砂微相的正韵律构成的退积序列。水下分流河道、河口坝和河道侧翼微相砂体储层物性较好,前缘席状砂和远砂坝微相砂体厚度较小,储层物性较差,水下分流间湾和浅湖微相砂体不发育。 In view of the serious channeling of polymers and difficulty in adjusting the structure of injection and production in Guanshan Oilfield Segment 123 and Gu 124 blocks, the sedimentary facies markers are identified based on core, well logging and particle size data, and the sedimentary microfacies Make a detailed study. In the study area, the Member Ⅳ of the N 4 sand group is a delta front facies subfacies, mainly including seven kinds of sediments such as underwater distributary channel, underwater diversion bay, front sands, estuarine bar, distal sand bar, river flank and shallow lake Micro-phase. In the period of rising lake, there is ample supply of provenances, the distribution of underwater distributary channel sand bodies in the study area is obviously reduced, the main channel sandbody assemblages in the center of the delta front are superimposed, the submarine distributary channel- , Gradually changing to a lacustrine dam-distal sand bar assemblage in the direction of the lake. At the end of the delta front, the vertical distribution of sedimentary microfacies mainly shows that the underwater distributary channel-estuary dam- Positive rhythm composed of degenerate sequences. The reservoir properties of underwater distributary channel, estuarine dam and side flanks of microfacies are better. The thicknesses of the sand magma and the distal sand bar are smaller, and the physical properties of the reservoirs are worse. The underwater distributary bay and shallow Lake microfacies sand body is not developed.
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