我无意对史蜀君执导的影片《失 踪的女中学生》作出肯定或否定的评 价,只是感到上海《青年报》六月二 十七日的一篇介绍和盛赞导演及影片 的采访文章未免把话说绝了。作为采 访文章,在电影公映前对电影作适当 的介绍或评价,并非不可;假如有不 同意见,采访之文也应该作客观的介 绍,即使作者对不同意见不以为然,也 应该把话说得留有余地。而该文却 不然,在盛赞导演和影片的同时,对 不同意见者大加挞伐,引用史导演的 话“我的悲哀的同胞”犹嫌不够,还毫 不客气地给不同意见者扣上“封建卫 道士”的帽子。文章作者偏爱该电影,不足为怪;但如此对待不同意见者,未免“狂”得可以。
I do not intend to give a positive or negative comment on the missing girl student who was directed by Shushu. I just feel that an article written and commended by directors and films in Shanghai Youth Daily on June 27 was an unpleasant speech . As an interview article, it is not uncommon to introduce or evaluate a movie before the movie is released. If there is any disagreement, the interview article should also be an objective introduction. Even if the author disagrees with the dissenting opinions, he should leave ample words . The article is not the case, while praising the director and the film at the same time, disagree with the disgruntled, citing the director’s words, “my compatriot, sad” is not enough, but also bluntly to dissent with “feudal Wei Taoist ”hat. It is not surprising that the author of the essay favors the movie, but treating such dissidents in such a way can be “crazy”.