小龙是贺龙元帅给他惟一的儿子贺鹏飞取的乳名。我们从小一块长大,自然也称呼他小龙。贺鹏飞是湖南桑植县人,是中国人民海军的一名优秀指挥员,生前任海军副司令。他1988年9月被授少将军衔,1994年7月晋升为中将。因长期超负荷工作,为建设海军殚精竭虑,积劳成疾,他于今年3月28日突发心脏病,在京与世长辞,终年不过56岁。 受新中国体育事业的奠基人、共和国第一任国家体委主任贺龙元帅的影响,小龙自幼喜爱体育。我与小龙的相处,弹指已经过去了半个世纪,如今同辈好友英年早逝,此时的我面
Dragon is the dragon name He Long gave his only son He Pengfei name. We grew up together, naturally called him dragons. He Pengfei is a native of Sangzhi County, Hunan Province. He is an outstanding commander of the Chinese People’s Navy and was former deputy commander of the Navy. He was awarded the rank of major general in September 1988 and was promoted to lieutenant general in July 1994. Due to long-term overload work, he tried hard to build a navy and became ill. He died of heart disease on March 28 this year and died in Beijing at the age of 56. Influenced by Marshal He Long, the founder of New China’s sports cause and the head of the first state body of the Republic, the dragons loved sports at an early age. I get along with the dragons, playing fingers has passed half a century, now my fellow friends die young, this time I face