乌兰察布地处内蒙古中部,享有“中国薯都”美誉。属大陆性季风气候,干旱少雨,前山地区雨量略多,年平均降水量150~450 mm,集中在每年7~9月份,无霜期95~145天。全市马铃薯年播种面积稳定在400万亩左右,近几年大力发展节水灌溉设施,灌溉农业形成了以滴灌为主,喷灌、渠灌为辅的灌溉模式。结合水肥一体化技术和新型肥料的应用技术,有效提高农业灌溉用水利用率,减少化肥用量,基肥由
Wulanchabu is located in the central Inner Mongolia, enjoy the “Chinese potato” reputation. A continental monsoon climate, drought, rainy area before the rainfall slightly more, the average annual rainfall of 150 ~ 450 mm, concentrated in July to September each year, frost-free period of 95 to 145 days. The sown area of potato in the city is stable at about 4 million mu. In recent years, the government has been making efforts to develop water-saving irrigation facilities and irrigated agriculture to form an irrigation mode that uses drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and canal irrigation supplemented by irrigation. Combining the integrated technology of water and fertilizer and the application technology of new fertilizer, the utilization rate of irrigation water in agriculture is effectively increased and the dosage of fertilizer is reduced. The base fertilizer consists of