To understand the mental health of officers and soldiers participating in military exercises and their influencing factors. From July to September 2009, we conducted a survey and analysis on the mental health status of some officers and soldiers participating in the land-sea military exercises using the Self-rating Symptom Scale (SCL-90) and the Coping Style Questionnaire (CSQ). The analysis report is as follows. 1 objects and methods 1.1 object to participate in land and sea military exercises 134 officers and men were male; aged 17 to 35 years old, average 22.4 years old. Among them 13 officers and 121 soldiers. Education: 68 junior high school, high school (including technical secondary school) 47 cases, 19 college students. The number of exercises: 1 45 cases, 2 71 cases, 3 times and to