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随着假日经济的兴起,商家为了抢占市场、寻求顾客,纷纷亮出打折的招牌。一时间不但小商小贩打折,大商场也打折;不但有形商品打折,无形商品也打折。商家打折在市场营销策略中属于特种促销手段,即营业推广,而这种铺天盖地、“久折不衰”的现象,已经超出了正常范围。商家 With the rise of the holiday economy, businesses in order to seize the market, seeking customers, have shown signs of discount. Not only a small discount time vendors, shopping malls also discount; not only tangible goods discount, intangible goods are also discounted. Business discounts in the marketing strategy is a special marketing tool, that is, business promotion, and this overwhelming, “a long time off,” the phenomenon has gone beyond the normal range. Business
According to national early warning practice for geo-hazards from 2003 to 2005,it is systematically concluded that the basic characteristics of geo-hazards,earl
Honey is valuable food for mankind since the ancient times. It was the only sweetener till the start of the industrial sugar mass production. As honey plays an
以福建省游泳中心主任林颜钿为领队、山西游泳馆馆长赵学贤为副领队的中国跳水队一行13人 ,于2001年6月19日至30日 ,分别参加了在瑞典RONNEBY(瑞若比 )和意大利BOLZANO(搏尔扎诺)举行的世界杯跳水系列赛
唐国强:以长征精神开拓演艺之路 因为《长征》我成为金鹰奖最佳导演,还成为10名观众喜爱的演员之一。下一步我要在《延安颂》里,再演毛泽东。40集的《延安颂》是续《长征》
The impact of air pollution is a substantial European and global problem which has been observed even in the most remote areas of our planet. Not only surface w
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