为研究开包状态下盒包对卷烟物理保润性能的影响,分别考察了软包、软硬包、硬包3种盒包材料的等温吸湿特性差异以及相同卷烟在开包状态下3种盒包中失水速率的差异.结果表明:①软包、软硬包、硬包的盒包材料的等温吸湿曲线存在显著差异,其吸湿性能随盒包材料定量的增加依次增加;②盒包材料对卷烟的失水速率有不同的影响,相同卷烟在硬包、软硬包、软包中的失水速率依次增加;③盒包中卷烟的水分散失时,卷烟与盒包材料中的水分之间有交互作用并延缓失水速率的变化,盒包材料的吸湿特性会影响这种交互作用的变化程度.“,”In order to investigate the effects of packet material on the moisture retentivity of cigarettes in an opened packet, the differences of isothermal moisture absorption properties among three kinds of cigarette packets (soft packet, soft-hard packet and hard packet) were investigated, and the differences of moisture loss rate of the same cigarettes in the opened packets of the three kinds were studied. The results showed that: 1) The moisture absorption isotherms of the three kinds of packet materials differed significantly, their moisture adsorption properties increased with the increase of grammage of packet materials. 2) The effects of packet materials on the moisture loss rate of cigarette differed, the moisture loss rate of the same cigarette was the lowest in hard packet and the highest in soft packet. 3) In the process of moisture loss of cigarettes in a packet, there was an interaction of moisture between cigarette and packet material, which delayed the moisture loss rate of cigarette; and the isothermal moisture retentivity properties of packet materials affected the said interaction.